Everything about Date object in programming

The goal of this page is to provide the solution for all the pesky questions regarding Date Object in programming languages (for the beginning for JavaScript)

Can I help?

Of course, this is meant to be as public as possible in order to help everyone with their "Date-ing problems" (see what I did there 😁). If you find a solution or want to contribute just drop a message on some groups Telegram group https://t.me/joinchat/FdUNu1HxK8Dxx2ns3L9Z4g Slack channel https://join.slack.com/t/dateall/shared_invite/enQtNDA5NzUzNDgwMzcwLTczYzZkNTBjYTdjODY0OWZjZTk2ZjAwZWRmOTQxMzBiMTlmOGRjZjlkOTE2YmU2ODE1NjVkOGUwOGQ1NDY3ZGU

Why would you do this?

I was always frustrated because every time I had to deal with the Dates I needed to search through the internet for the simplest solution just to find it at some random place and immediately forget it afterwards. Wouldn't it be nice when you have to deal with the Date objects with your new project you just get here and find everything necessary, right? So since I haven't found anything similair on the internet, here it is. Now let's do this 💪

Last updated